Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. wrong                 
per.se.cute \'p*r-s*-.kyu:t\ \-.kyu:t-iv\ \-kyu:t-*r\ \-kyu.-.to-r-e-, 
   -.to.r-; -.kyu:t-*-re-\ vt [MF persecuter, back-formation fr. persecuteur 
   persecutor, fr. LL (Xpersecutor, fr. persecutus, pp. of persequi to 
   persecute, fr. L, to pursue, fr. per- through + sequi to follow - more at 
   SUE 1: to harass in a manner to injure, grieve, or afflict; specif : t o 
   cause to suffer because of belief 2: to annoy with persistent or urgent 
   approaches : PESTER  - per.se.cu.tive aj