Webster's English Dictionary

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in.jure \'in-j*r\ \'inj-(*-)rin\ \'in-j*r-*r\ vt or in.jur.ing 
   [back-formation fr. injury] 1a: to do an injustice to : WRONG  1b: to harm, 
   impair, or tarnish the standing of  1c: to give pain {~ a man's pride}  2a: 
   to inflict bodily hurt on  2b: to impair the soundness of  2c: to inflict 
   material damage or loss on JURE implies the inflicting of anything 
   detrimental to one's looks, comfort, health, success; HARM often stresses 
   the inflicting of pain, suffering, or loss; HURT implies inflicting a wound 
   to the body or to the feelings; DAMAGE suggests injury that lowers value or 
   impairs usefulness; IMPAIR suggests a making less complete or efficient by 
   deterioration or diminution; MAR applies to injury that spoils perfection 
   (as of a surface) or causes disfigurement - in.jur.er n SYN syn HARM, HURT,