Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. chase                 
1. fol.low \'fa:l-(.)o-, -*(-w)\ vb [ME folwen, fr. OE folgian; akin to OHG 
   folge-n to follow] 1: to go, proceed, or come after {~ed the guide}  2a: to 
   pursue in an effort to overtake  2b: to seek to attain {~ knowledge}  3: to 
   accept as authority : OBEY  4: to copy after : IMITATE  5a: to walk or 
   proceed along {~ a path}  5b: to engage in : PURSUE {men who ~ the sea}  
   6a: to come or take place after in time, sequence, or order  6b: to cause 
   to be followed {~ed dinner with a liqueur}  7: to come into existence or 
   take place as a result or consequence of {d isaster ~ed the blunder} 8a: to 
   watch steadily {~ed the ball over the fence}  8b: to keep the mind on {~ a 
   speech}  8c: to attend closely to  1: to go or come after a person or thing 
   in place, time, or sequence  2: to result or occur as a consequence, 
   effect, or inference me after something or someone. FOLLOW may apply to a 
   coming after in time, position, or logical sequence; SUCCEED implies a 
   coming after immediately in a sequence determined by natural order, 
   inheritance, election, or laws of rank; ENSUE commonly suggests a logical 
   consequence or naturally expected development; SUPERVENE suggests the 
   following or beginning of something unforeseen or unpredictable 1: to play 
   a card of the same suit as the card led  2: to follow an example set  - 
   follow suit  SYN syn FOLLOW, SUCCEED, ENSUE, SUPERVENE mean to co 
2. follow n 1: the act or process of following  2a: a shot in billiards 
   made by striking the cue ball above its center  2b: the forward spin so 
   imparted to the ball