Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. worry                 
an.noy \*-'no.i\ vb [ME anoien, fr. OF enuier, fr. LL inodiare to make 
   loathsome,] fr. L in + odium hatred - more at ODIUM 1: to disturb or 
   irritate esp. by repeated acts : VEX  2: HARASS, MOLEST  : to be a source 
   of annoyance  the nerves by persistent petty unpleasantness; VEX implies 
   greater provocation and stronger disturbance and usu. connotes anger but 
   sometimes perplexity or anxiety; IRK stresses difficulty in enduring and 
   resulting weariness or impatience of spirit; BOTHER may imply either a 
   bewildering or upsetting but always suggests interference with comfort or 
   peace of mind - an.noy.er n SYN syn VEX, IRK, BOTHER: ANNOY implies a 
   wearing on