Webster's English Dictionary

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af.flict \*-'flikt\ vt [ME afflicten, fr. L afflictus, pp. of affligere to 
   cast down], fr. ad- + fligere to strike - more at PROFLIGATE obs  1a: 
   HUMBLE, OVERTHROW  2a: to distress severely so as to cause continued 
   suffering  2b: TROUBLE, INJURE MAFFLICT is a general term applying to the 
   causing of pain or suffering or of acute annoyance, embarrassment, or any 
   distress; TRY suggests imposing something that puts a strain on the powers 
   of endurance or of self-control; TORMENT suggests persecution or the 
   repeated inflicting of suffering or annoyance; TORTURE adds the implication 
   of causing to writhe with unbearable pain; RACK stresses straining or 
   wrenching; GRILL suggests causing acute discomfort as by long and 
   relentless questioning SYN syn TRY, TORMENT, TORTURE, RACK, GRILL: