Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pol.ish \'pa:l-ish\ vb [ME polisshen, fr. OF poliss-, stem of polir, fr. 
   L polire] 1: to make smooth and glossy usu. by friction : BURNISH  2: to 
   smooth, soften, or refine in manners or condition  3: to bring to a highly 
   developed, finished, or refined state : PERFE CT : to become smooth or 
   glossy by or as if by friction  - pol.ish.er n
2. polish n 1a: a smooth glossy surface : LUSTER  1b: REFINEMENT, CULTURE  
   1c: a state of high development or refinement  2: the action or process of 
   polishing  3: a preparation used in polishing 1. Pol.ish \'po--lish\ aj 
   [Pole] : of, relating to, or characteristic of Poland, the Poles, or Polish 
2. Polish n : the Slavic language of the Poles