Webster's English Dictionary

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1. press.ure \'presh-*r\ n 1a: the burden of physical or mental distress  
   1b: the constraint of circumstance  2: the application of force to 
   something by something else in direct contac t with it : COMPRESSION 
   archaic  3: IMPRESSION, STAMP  4a: the action of a force against an 
   opposing force  4b: the force or thrust exerted over a surface divided by 
   its area  4c: ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE  5: the stress or urgency of matters 
   demanding attention : EXIGENCY  6: a factor that tends to reduce a wild 
   animal population esp. when arising  from human activity 7: atmospheric 
   pressure  8: a sensation aroused by moderate compression of a body part or 
2. pressure \-(*-)rin\ vt or pres.sur.ing 1: to apply pressure to : 
   CONSTRAIN  2: PRESSURIZE  3: to cook in a pressure cooker