1. stamp \'stamp; vt2a & vi2 are also 'sta:mp or '\ vb [ME stampen;
akin to OHG stampfo-n to stamp, L temnere to]despise, Gk stembein to shake
up 1: to pound or crush with a pestle or a heavy instrument 2a1: to strike
or beat forcibly with the bottom of the foot 2a2: to bring down (the foot)
forcibly 2b: to extinguish or destroy by or as if by stamping with the
foot 3a: IMPRESS, IMPRINT {~ "paid" on the bill} 3b: to attach a stamp to
{~ a letter} 4: to cut out, bend, or form with a stamp or die 5:
CHARACTERIZE 1: POUND 2: to strike or thrust the foot forcibly or noisily
2. stamp n 1: a device or instrument for stamping 2: the impression or
mark made by stamping or imprinting 3a: a distinctive character,
indication, or mark 3b: a lasting imprint 4: the act of stamping 5: a
stamped or printed paper affixed in evidence that a tax has been paid;