Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mar.ket \'ma:r-k*t\ n [ME, fr. ONF, fr. L mercatus trade marketplace, 
   fr. mercatus, pp. o]f mercari to trade, fr. merc-, merx merchandise; akin 
   to Oscan amiricadut without remuneration 1a1: a meeting together of people 
   for the purpose of trade by private purch ase and sale and usu. not by 
   auction 1a2: the people assembled at such a meeting  1b1: a public place 
   where a market is held; specif : a place where  provisions are sold at 
   wholesale 1b2: a retail establishment usu. of a specified kind  archaic  2: 
   the act or an instance of buying and selling  3: the rate or price offered 
   for a commodity or security  4a: a geographical area of demand for 
   commodities  4b: the course of commercial activity by which the exchange of 
   commodities  is effected 4c: a formal organized coming together of buyers 
   and sellers of goods {th e stock ~}
2. market or mar.ket.er \.ma:r-k*-'ti(*)r\ \'ma:r-k*t-*r\ vi : to deal in a 
   market  1: to expose for sale in a market  2: SELL  - mar.ket.eer n