Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. correct               
1. re.dress \ri-'dres\ vt [ME redressen, fr. MF redresser, fr. OF 
   redrecier, fr. re-] + drecier to make straight - more at DRESS 1a1: to set 
   right : REMEDY  1a2: to make up for : COMPENSATE  1b: to remove the cause 
   of (a grievance or complaint)  1c: to exact reparation for : AVENGE  
   archaic  2a: to requite (a person) for a wrong or loss  2b: HEAL  - 
   re.dress.er n
2. re.dress \ri-'dres, 're-.\ n 1a: relief from distress  1b: means or 
   possibility of seeking a remedy  2: compensation for wrong or loss : 
   REPARATION  3a: an act or instance of redressing  3b: CORRECTION,