Webster's English Dictionary

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cor.rec.tion \k*-'rek-sh*n\ \-shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ n 1: the action or an 
   instance of correcting : as  1a: AMENDMENT, RECTIFICATION  1b: REBUKE, 
   PUNISHMENT  1c: a bringing into conformity with a standard  1d: 
   COUNTERACTION, NEUTRALIZATION  2: a decline in market price or business 
   activity following and counteracti ng a rise 3a: something substituted in 
   place of what is wrong  3b: a quantity applied by way of correcting (as for 
   adjustment or inaccurac y of an instrument) 4: the treatment of offenders 
   and delinquents through rehabilitation instea d of penal action or custody 
   - cor.rec.tion.al aj