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Cross references:
  1. correct               
1. right \'ri-t\ aj [ME, fr. OE riht; akin to OHG reht right, L rectus 
   straight,]right, regere to lead straight, direct, rule, rogare to ask, Gk 
   oregein to stretch out 1: RIGHTEOUS, UPRIGHT  2: being in accordance with 
   what is just, good, or proper {~ condu ct} 3a: agreeable to a standard  3b: 
   conforming to facts or truth : CORRECT {~ answer}  4: SUITABLE, APPROPRIATE 
   {~ man for the job} {~ to ol} 5: STRAIGHT {~ line}  6: GENUINE, REAL  7a: 
   of, relating to, or being the stronger hand in most persons  7b: located 
   nearer to the right hand than to the left {~ pocket} ; esp : located on the 
   right hand when facing in the same direction as an observer {~ wing of an 
   army} 8: having its axis perpendicular to the base {~ cone}  9: of, 
   relating to, or constituting the principal or more prominent side o f an 
   object {~ side out} 10: acting or judging in accordance with truth or fact 
   {time proved him  ~} 11a: being in good physical or mental health or order 
   {~ mind}  11b: being in a correct or proper state {put things ~}  12: most 
   favorable or desired : PREFERABLE  often cap  13: of, adhering to, or 
   constituted by the Right esp. in politics  - right.ness n
2. right \-w*rd\ n [ME, fr. OE riht, fr. riht, adj.] 1: adherence to duty, 
   obedience to lawful authority, or other qualities tha t together constitute 
   the ideal of moral propriety or merit moral approval 2: something to which 
   one has a just claim : as  2a: the power or privilege to which one is 
   justly entitled  2b1: the interest that one has in a piece of property - 
   often used in pl.  {mineral ~s} pl  2b2: the property interest possessed 
   under law or custom and agreement in a n intangible thing esp. of a 
   literary and artistic nature {film ~s of the novel} 3: something that one 
   may properly claim as due  4: the cause of truth or justice  5a: the right 
   hand  5b: the location or direction of the right side {woods on his ~}  5c: 
   the part on the right side  6a: the true account or correct interpretaion  
   6b: the quality or state of being factually correct  often cap  7a: the 
   part of a legislative chamber located to the right of the presiding  
   officer 7b: the members of a continental European legislative body 
   occupying the ri ght as a result of holding more conservative political 
   views than other members cap  8a1: individuals sometimes professing 
   opposition to change in the establish ed order and favoring traditional 
   attitudes and practices and sometimes advocating the forced establishment 
   of an authoritarian political order 8a2: a group or party in another 
   organization that favors conservative, tra ditional, or sometimes 
   authoritarian attitudes and policies often cap  8b: a conservative position 
    9a: a privilege given stockholders to subscribe pro rata to a new issue of 
    securities generally below market price 9b: the negotiable certificate 
   evidencing such privilege - usu. used in p l. : with reason or justice : 
   PROPERLY  : into proper order  - right.ward aj
3. right av 1: according to right {live ~}  2: EXACTLY, PRECISELY {~ at his 
   fingertips}  3: in a suitable, proper, or desired manner {hold your pen ~}  
   4: in a direct line or course {go ~ home}  5: according to fact or truth : 
   TRULY {guess ~} {heard  ~} 6a: all the way {windows ~ to the floor}  6b: 
   COMPLETELY  7: IMMEDIATELY {~ after lunch}  8: EXTREMELY, VERY {~ pleasant 
   day}  9: on or to the right {looked ~ and left} 
4. right vt 1a: to relieve from wrong  1b: JUSTIFY, VINDICATE  2a: to 
   adjust or restore to the proper state or condition  2b: to bring or restore 
   to an upright position  : to become upright  - right.er n