Webster's English Dictionary

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1. rig \'rig\ vt or rigged;  or rig.ging [ME riggen] 1: to fit out (as a 
   ship) with rigging  2: CLOTHE, DRESS - usu. used with out  3: to furnish 
   with special gear : EQUIP  4a: ADJUST, ARRANGE  4b: CONSTRUCT {~ up a 
   temporary shelter} 
2. rig n 1: the distinctive shape, number, and arrangement of sails and 
   masts of a s hip 2: EQUIPAGE; esp : a carriage with its horse  3: DRESS, 
   CLOTHING  4: tackle, equipment, or machinery fitted for a specified purpose 
   {oil-dr illing ~}
3. rig vt or rigged;  or rig.ging [rig (swindle)] 1: to manipulate or 
   control usu. by deceptive or dishonest means {~R an election} 2: to fix in 
   advance for a desired result {~ a quiz ~ prices }