Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. restrain              
1. curb \'k*rb\ n [MF courbe curve, curved piece of wood or iron, fr. 
   courbe curved,] [fr. the fact that it orig. transacted its business on the 
   street] often attrib fr. L curvus 1: a chain or strap on the upper part of 
   the branches of a bit used to rest rain a horse 2: an enclosing frame, 
   border, or edging  3: CHECK, RESTRAINT  4: a raised edge or margin to 
   strengthen or confine  5: an edging built along a street to form part of a 
   gutter  6: a market for trading in securities not listed on a stock 
2. curb vi : to control or furnish with a curb