Cross references:
1. difficulty
rig.or or rig.our \'rig-*r, 2 & 5 are also 'ri--.go.(*)r\ \'rig-*r\ n [ME
rigour, fr. MF rigueur, fr. L rigor, lit., stiffness, fr.] chiefly Brit
rige-re to be stiff 1a1: harsh inflexibility in opinion, temper, or
judgment : SEVERITY 1a2: the quality of being unyielding or inflexible :
STRICTNESS) M 1a3: AUSTERITY 1b: an act or instance of strictness,
severity, or cruelty 2: a tremor caused by a chill 3: a condition that
makes life difficult, challenging, or uncomfortable; Xesp : extremity of
cold 4: strict precision : EXACTNESS {logical ~} obs 5a: RIGIDITY,
STIFFNESS 5b: rigidness or torpor of organs or tissue that prevents
response to stimu li