Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. decay                 
1. rot \'ra:t\ vb or rot.ted;  or rot.ting [ME roten, fr. OE rotian; akin 
   to OHG ro-zze-n to rot,]L rudus rubble - more at RUDE 1a: to undergo 
   decomposition from the action of bacteria or fungi  1b: to become unsound 
   or weak (as from use or chemical action)  2a: to go to ruin : DETERIORATE  
   2b: to become morally corrupt : DEGENERATE  : to cause to decompose or 
   deteriorate with rot 
2. rot n 1a: the process of rotting : the state of being rotten : DECAY  
   1b: something rotten or rotting  2a: archaic : a wasting putrescent disease 
    2b: any of several parasitic diseases esp. of sheep marked by necrosis and 
    wasting 2c: plant disease marked by breakdown of tissues and caused esp. 
   by fungi o r bacteria 3: NONSENSE - often used interjectionally