1. ser.pen.tine \'s*r-p*n-.te-n, -.ti-n\ aj [ME, fr. MF serpentin, fr. LL
serpentinus, fr. L serpent-, Xserpens 1: of or resembling a serpent (as in
form or movement) 2: subtly wily or tempting : DIABOLIC 3: winding or
turning one way and another : SINUOUS
2. serpentine n : something that winds sinuously
3. serpentine n [ME, fr. ML serpentia, serpentinum, fr. LL, fem. & neut. of
serp]entinus resembling a serpent : a mineral or rock consisting
essentially of a hydrous magnesium silicate H4Mg3Si2O usu. having a dull
green color and often a mottled appearance