Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pen \'pen\ n [ME, fr. OE penn] 1a: a small enclosure for animals  1b: 
   animals in or in numbers to fill one such enclosure; also : a s mall group 
   of animals functioning as a unit 2: a small place of confinement or storage 
    3: a dock or slip for reconditioning submarines 
2. pen vt or penned;  or pen.ning : to shut in a pen 
3. pen n [ME penne, fr. MF, feather, pen, fr. L penna, pinna feather;] 
   often attrib akin to Gk pteron wing - more at FEATHER 1: an implement for 
   writing or drawing with ink or a similar fluid : as  1a: QUILL  1b: a small 
   thin convex metal device tapering to a split point and fitting  into a 
   holder 1c: a penholder containing a pen  1d: FOUNTAIN PEN  2a: a writing 
   instrument that is a means of expression  2b: WRITER  3: the internal horny 
   feather-shaped shell of a squid 
4. pen vt or penned;  or pen.ning : WRITE, INDITE 
5. pen n [origin unknown] : a female swan 
6. pen n slang  : PENITENTIARY