1. rock \'ra:k\ vb [ME rokken, fr. OE roccian; akin to OHG rucken to cause
to mo]ve 1a: to move back and forth in or as if in a cradle 1b: to wash
(placer gravel) in a cradle 2a: to cause to sway back and forth 2b1:
DAZE, STUN 2b2: DISTURB, UPSET 1: to become moved backward and forward
under impact 2: to move oneself or itself rhythmically back and forth SYN
2. rock n : a rocking movement
3. rock n [ME roc, fr. MD rocke; akin to OHG rocko distaff, roc c]oat :
4. rock n [ME rokke, fr. ONF roque, fr. (assumed) VL rocca] often attrib
1: a large mass of stone forming a cliff, promontory, or peak 2: a
concreted mass of stony material; also : broken pieces of such masses 3:
consolidated or unconsolidated solid mineral matter; also : a pa rticular
mass of it 4a: something like a rock in firmness : 4a1: FOUNDATION,
SUPPORT 4a2: REFUGE 4b: something that threatens or causes disaster -
often used in pl. 5: a stick candy with color running through slang 6:
DIAMOND 1: in or into a state of destruction or wreckage 2: on ice cubes
{bourbon on the rocks} - on the rocks