Webster's English Dictionary

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shall \sh*l, (')shal\ \sh*d, (')shu.d\ vb or should;  or shall [ME shal 
   (1st & 3d sing. pres. indic.), fr. OE sceal; akin to OHG (] past  pres sing 
   & plXscal (1st & 3d sing. pres. indic.) ought to, must, Lith skola debt 
   archaic  1a: will have to : MUST  1b: will be able to : CAN  2a: - used to 
   express a command or exhortation {you ~ go}  2b: - used in laws, 
   regulations, or directives to express what is mandat ory {it ~ be unlawful 
   to carry firearms} 3a: - used to express what is inevitable or likely to 
   happen in the futu re {we ~ have to be ready} {we ~ see} 3b: - used to 
   express simple futurity {when ~ we expect you}  4: - used to express 
   determination {they ~ not pass}  : will go {he to England ~ along with you 