Webster's English Dictionary

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ex.pect \ik-'spekt\ \-'spek-t*-b*l\ \-ble-\ vb [L exspectare to look 
   forward to, fr. ex- + spectare to look]at, fr. spectus, pp. of specere to 
   look - more at SPY archaic  1: WAIT, STAY  2: to look forward  3: to be 
   pregnant  archaic  1: AWAIT  2: SUPPOSE, THINK  3: to anticipate or look 
   forward to the coming or occurrence of  4a: to consider probable or certain 
   {~ to be forgiven}  4b: to consider reasonable, due, or necessary  4c: to 
   consider obligated or in duty bound r outcome. EXPECT implies a high degree 
   of certainty and usu. involves the idea of preparing or envisioning; HOPE 
   implies little certainty but suggests confidence or assurance in the 
   possibility that what one desires or longs for will happen; LOOK suggests a 
   degree of expectancy and watchfulness rather than confidence or certainty - 
   ex.pect.able aj SYN syn EXPECT, HOPE, LOOK mean to await some occurrence o