Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. strike                
smite \'smi-t\ \'smo-t\ \'smit-*n\ \'smi-t-in\ \'smi-t-*r\ vb or smote;  or 
   smit.ten;  or smote or smit.ing [ME smiten, fr. OE smi-tan; akin to OHG 
   bismi-zan to de]file and perh. to L mittere to let go, send 1: to strike 
   sharply or heavily esp. with the hand  2a: to kill or severely injure by 
   smiting  2b: to attack or afflict suddenly and injuriously {smitten by dise 
   ase} 3: to cause to strike  4: to impress suddenly  : to deliver or deal a 
   blow with or as if with the hand or something held  - smit.er n