Cross references:
1. new deal 2. distribute
1. deal \'de-(*)l\ n [ME deel, fr. OE d-l; akin to OE da-l division],
portion, OHG teil part obs 1: PART, PORTION 2a: an indefinite quantity or
degree {means a great ~} 2b: a large quantity {a ~ of money} 3a: the act
or right of distributing cards to players in a card game 3b: HAND b 4a:
an extensive governmental program 4b: the period of such a program
2. deal \'delt\ \'de--lin\ vb or dealt; or 1: to give as one's
portion 2: ADMINISTER, BESTOW {dealt him a blow} 1: to distribute the
cards in a card game 2: to have to do : TREAT {the book ~s with education
} 3a: to engage in bargaining : TRADE 3b: to sell or distribute something
as a business {~ in insurance)> 4: to take action with regard to someone or
something {~ with an o ffender} - n
3. deal n 1: an act of dealing : TRANSACTION 2: treatment received {a
dirty ~} 3: an arrangement for mutual advantage
4. deal n [MD or MLG dele plank; akin to OHG dili plank - more at THILL)M
Brit 1a: a board of fir or pine 1b: sawed yellow-pine lumber nine inches
or wider and three, four, or five inches thick 2: pine or fir wood - deal