Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. affect                
1. im.press \im-'pres\ vb [ME impressen, fr. L impressus, pp. of imprimere, 
   fr. in-)X + premere to press - more at PRESS 1a: to apply with pressure so 
   as to imprint  1b: to produce (as a mark) by pressure  1c: to mark by or as 
   if by pressure or stamping  2a: to produce a vivid impression of  2b: to 
   affect esp. forcibly or deeply : INFLUENCE  3a: TRANSFER, TRANSMIT  3b: to 
   apply (as an electromotive force) to a circuit from an outside sour ce : to 
   produce an impression 
2. im.press \'im-.pres\ n 1: the act of impressing  2a: a mark made by 
   pressure : IMPRINT  2b: an image of something formed by or as if by 
   pressure; esp :  SEAL 2c: a product of pressure or influence  3: a 
   characteristic or distinctive mark : STAMP  4: IMPRESSION, EFFECT 
3. im.press \im-'pres\ vt [in- + press] 1: to levy or take by force for 
   public service; esp : to force int o naval service 2a: to procure or enlist 
   by forcible persuasion  2b: FORCE 
4. im.press \'im-.pres\ n : IMPRESSMENT