Webster's English Dictionary

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1. file \'fi-(*)l\ n [ME, fr. OE fe-ol; akin to OHG fi-la file] 1: a tool 
   usu. of hardened steel with cutting ridges for forming or smoothi ng 
   surfaces esp. of metal 2: a shrewd or crafty person 
2. file vt 1: to rub, smooth, or cut away with a file  2: to refine or 
   smooth esp. by careful revision 
3. file vt [ME filen, fr. OE fy-lan, fr. fu-l foul] chiefly dial  : DEFILE, 
4. file vb [ME filen, fr. MF filer to string documents on a string or wire, 
   fr]. fil thread, fr. L filum; akin to Arm jhachek>il sinew 1: to arrange in 
   order for preservation or reference  2a: to place among official records as 
   prescribed by law  2b: to send (copy) to a newspaper  2c: to return to the 
   office of the clerk of a court without action on the  merits 3: to perform 
   the first act of (as a lawsuit)  : to register as a candidate esp. in a 
   primary election 
5. file n 1: a container or other device by which papers are kept usu. in 
   order  archaic  2a: ROLL, LIST  2b: a collection of papers or publications 
   usu. arranged or classified 
6. file n [ME, fr. filer to spin, fr. LL filare, fr. L filum] 1: a row of 
   persons, animals, or things arranged one behind the other  2: a row of 
   squares extending vertically across a chessboard 
7. file vi : to march or proceed in file