Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. money                 
1. sol \'so-l\ n [ML sol, fr. the syllable sung to this note in a medieval 
   hymn to St. Joh]n the Baptist : the fifth tone of the diatonic scale in 
2. sol \'sa:l, 'so.l\ n [ME, fr. MF - more at SOU] : an old French coin 
   equal to 12 deniers; also : a corresponding u nit of value
3. sol \'sa:l, 'so.l\ \'so--(.)la-s\ n or so.les [AmerSp, fr. Sp, sun, fr. 
   L] pl 
4. sol \'sa:l, 'so.l\ n [-sol (as in hydrosol), fr. solution] : a fluid 
   colloidal system Sol \'sa:l\ n [ME, fr. L] 1: SUN  not cap  2: GOLD - used 
   in alchemy  3: the sun-god of the ancient Romans