Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. furnish               
1. arm \'a:rm\ \'a:rmd\ \'a:rm-l*s\ \-.li-k\ n [ME, fr. OE earm; akin to L 
   armus shoulder, Gk harmos joint,]L arma weapons, ars skill, Gk arariskein 
   to fit 1: a human upper limb; esp : the part between the shoulder and the  
   wrist 2: something like or corresponding to an arm : as  2a: the forelimb 
   of a vertebrate  2b: a limb of an invertebrate animal  2c: a branch or 
   lateral shoot of a plant  2d: a slender part of a structure, machine, or an 
   instrument projecting from a main part, axis, or fulcrum 2e: the end of a 
   ship's yard; also : the part of an anchor from the  crown to the fluke 3: 
   an inlet of water (as from the sea)  4: POWER, MIGHT  5: a support (as on a 
   chair) for the elbow and forearm  6: SLEEVE  7: a functional division of a 
   group or activity  - armed aj
2. arm vb [ME armen, fr. OF armer, fr. L armare, fr. arma weapons], tools 
   1: to furnish or equip with weapons  2: to furnish with something that 
   strengthens or protects  3: to fortify morally  4: to equip or ready for 
   action or operation {~ a bomb}  : to prepare oneself for struggle or 
3. arm n [ME armes (pl.) weapons, fr. OF, fr. L arma] 1a: a means of 
   offense or defense : WEAPON; esp : FIREAR M 1b: a combat branch (as of an 
   army)  1c: an organized branch of national defense (as the navy)  pl  2a: 
   the hereditary heraldic devices of a family  2b: heraldic devices adopted 
   by a government  pl  3a: active hostilities : WARFARE  pl  3b: military 