Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stag \'stag\ n or stags;  or stag [ME stagge, fr. OE stagga; akin to ON 
   andarsteggi drake, OE (] plXstingan to sting pl  1: an adult male red deer; 
   broadly : the male of various deer (esp.  genus Cervus) chiefly Scot  2: a 
   young horse; esp : a young unbroken stallion  3: a male animal castrated 
   after maturity  4: a young adult male domestic fowl  5a: a social gathering 
   of men only  5b: a man who attends a dance or party unaccompanied by a 
2. stag vb or stagged;  or stag.ging [stag (informer)] Brit  : to spy on  
   Brit  1: to turn informer  2: to attend a dance or party without a woman 
3. stag aj 1a: restricted to men {a ~ party}  1b: intended or suitable for 
   a gathering of men only {~ movies}  2: unaccompanied by someone of the 
   opposite sex {~ women}  - stag av