Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. accompany             
at.tend \*-'tend\ vb [ME attenden, fr. OF atendre, fr. L attendere, lit., 
   to stret]ch to, fr. ad- + tendere to stretch - more at THIN archaic  1: to 
   give heed to  2: to look after or take charge of  archaic  3a: to wait for  
   3b: to be in store for  4a: to go or stay with as a companion, nurse, or 
   servant  4b: to visit professionally as a physician  5: to be present with 
   : ACCOMPANY  6: to be present at  1: to apply oneself  2: to apply the mind 
   or pay attention  3: to be ready for service  obs  4: WAIT, STAY  5: to 
   take charge : SEE {I'll ~ to that}