Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sting \'stin\ \'st*n\ \'stin-in\ vb or stung;  or sting.ing [ME stingen, 
   fr. OE stingan; akin to ON stinga to sting, Gk (Xstachys spike of grain, 
   stochos target, aim 1: to prick painfully : as  1a: to pierce or wound with 
   a poisonous or irritating process  1b: to affect with sharp quick pain or 
   smart {hail stung their fac es} 2: to cause to suffer acutely {stung with 
   remorse}  3: OVERCHARGE, CHEAT  1: to use a sting  2: to fell a keen 
   burning pain or smart 
2. sting n 1a: the act of stinging; specif : the thrust of a stinger into 
   the  flesh 1b: a wound or pain caused by or as if by stinging  2: STINGER  
   3: a stinging element, force, or quality