Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sure \'shu.(*)r, esp South 'sho-(*)r\ aj [ME, fr. MF sur, fr. L securus 
   secure] obs  1: safe from danger or harm  2: firmly established : STEADFAST 
    3: RELIABLE, TRUSTWORTHY  4: ASSURED, CONFIDENT  5: admitting of no doubt 
   : CERTAIN  6a: bound to happen : INEVITABLE {~ disaster}  6b: DESTINED, 
   BOUND {he is ~ to win} g no doubt of one's opinion or conclusion. SURE usu. 
   stresses the subjective or intuitive feeling of assurance; CERTAIN may 
   apply to a basing of a conclusion or conviction on definite grounds or 
   indubitable evidence; POSITIVE intensifies sureness or certainty and may 
   imply opiniated conviction or forceful expression of it; COCKSURE implies 
   presumptuous or careless positiveness - sure.ness n SYN syn SURE, CERTAIN, 
   POSITIVE, COCKSURE mean havin 
2. sure av : SURELY