Webster's English Dictionary

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1. safe \'sa-f\ aj [ME sauf, fr. OF, fr. L salvus safe, healthy; akin to L 
   salus] health, safety, salubris healthful, solidus solid, Gk holos whole, 
   safe 1: freed from harm or risk : UNHURT  2a: secure from threat of danger, 
   harm, or loss  2b: successful in reaching base in baseball  3: affording 
   safety from danger  obs, of mental or moral faculties  4: HEALTHY, SOUND  
   5: not threatening danger : HARMLESS  6a: CAUTIOUS  6b: TRUSTWORTHY y not 
   imply danger successfully avoided or risk run without harm but always 
   suggests present or immediate freedom from threatening harm; SECURE implies 
   freedom from anxiety or apprehension of danger or risk - safe.ly av SYN syn 
   SAFE, SECURE mean free from danger. SAFE may or ma 
2. safe n : a place or receptacle to keep articles (as provisions or 
   valuables) safe