Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sub.jec.tive \(.)s*b-'jek-tiv\ \-.jek-'tiv-*t-e-\ aj 1: of, relating to, 
   or constituting a subject : as  obs  1a: of, relating to, or characteristic 
   of one that is subject esp. in lack  of freedom of action or in 
   submissiveness 1b: being, resembling, or relating to a grammatical subject; 
   esp :  NOMINATIVE 2a: of or relating to the essential being supporting 
   attributes or relatio ns : SUBSTANTIAL 2b1: relating to or determined by 
   the mind as the subject of experience  2b2: characteristic of or belonging 
   to reality as perceived rather than as  independent of mind : PHENOMENAL 
   2c: relating to or being experience or knowledge as conditioned by persona 
   l mental characteristics or states 3a: peculiar to a particular individual 
   : PERSONAL {a ~ im pression} {~ judgments} 3b: arising from conditions 
   within the brain or sense organs and not direc tly caused by external 
   stimuli {~ sensations} 3c: arising out of or identified by means of one's 
   awareness of his own st ates and processes {a ~ symptom of disease} 3d: 
   lacking in reality or substance : ILLUSORY  - sub.jec.tive.ly av
2. subjective n : something that is subjective; also : NOMINATIVE