Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. free                  
1. bound \'bau.nd\ aj [ME boun, fr. ON bu-inn, pp. of bu-a to dwell, 
   prepare;] akin to OHG bu-an to dwell - more at BOWER archaic  1: READY  2: 
   intending to go : GOING {~ for home} 
2. bound n [ME, fr. OF bodne, fr. ML bodina] 1a: a limiting line : BOUNDARY 
   - usu. used in pl.  1b: something that limits or restrains  usu pl  2a: 
   BORDERLAND  2b: the land within certain bounds 
3. bound vt 1: to set limits to : CONFINE  2: to form the boundary of : 
   ENCLOSE  3: to name the boundaries of 
4. bound aj [ME bounden, fr. pp. of binden to bind] 1a: fastened by or as 
   if by a band : CONFINED {desk-bound)> 1b: CERTAIN, SURE {~ to rain soon}  
   2: placed under legal or moral restraint or obligation : OBLIGED 
   <(duty-bound} 3: CONSTIPATED, COSTIVE  of a book  4a: secured to its covers 
   by cords or tapes  4b: cased in  5: RESOLVED, DETERMINED  6: held in 
   chemical or physical combination  7: always occuring in combination with 
   another linguistic form (as un-)X in unknown, -er in speaker)
5. bound n [MF bond, fr. bondir to leap, fr. (assumed) VL bombitire to 
   h]um, fr. L bombus deep hollow sound - more at BOMB 1: LEAP, JUMP  2: 
6. bound vi 1: to move by leaping  2: REBOUND, BOUNCE