Webster's English Dictionary

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1. but.ter \'b*t-*r\ n [ME, fr. OE butere; akin to OHG butera butter; both 
   fr. a prehistor]ic WGmc word borrowed fr. L butyrum butter, fr. Gk 
   boutyron, fr. bous cow + tyros cheese; akin to Av tu-iri- whey - more at 
   COW 1: a solid emulsion of fat globules, air, and water made by churning 
   milk o r cream and used as food 2: a buttery substance : as  2a: any of 
   various fatty oils remaining nearly solid at ordinary temperatur e 2b: a 
   food spread made from fruit, nuts, or other food {peanut ~}  3: 
2. butter vt 1: to spread with or as if with butter  2: BLANDISH