Webster's English Dictionary

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tele.vi.sion \'tel-*-.vizh-*n also .tel-*-'\ \.tel-*-'vizh-n*-le-, 
   -vizh-*n-*l-e-\ \-'vizh-*-.ner-e-\ n [F te`le`vision, fr. te`le`- tele- 
   (fr. Gk te-le-) + (Xvision 1: an electronic system of transmitting 
   transient images of fixed or moving  objects together with sound over a 
   wire or through space by apparatus that converts light and sound into 
   electrical waves and reconverts them into visible light rays and audible 
   sound 2: a television receiving set  3a: the television broadcasting 
   industry  3b: television as a medium of communication  - tele.vi.sion.al.ly 