Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. mean                  
1. me.di.um \'me-d-e--*m\ \-e--*\ n or mediums or me.dia [L, fr. neuter of 
   medius middle - more at MID] pl  1a: something in a middle position  1b: a 
   middle condition or degree : MEAN  2: a means of effecting or conveying 
   something : as  2a1: a substance regarded as the means of transmission of a 
   force or effect  2a2: a surrounding or enveloping substance  2b1: a channel 
   of communication  pl media, pl but sometimes sing in constr  2b2: a 
   publication or broadcast that carries advertising  2c: GO-BETWEEN, 
   INTERMEDIARY  2d: an individual held to be a channel of communication 
   between the earthly  world and a world of spirits 2e: material or technical 
   means of artistic expression  3a: a condition in which something may 
   function or flourish  3b1: a nutrient system for the artificial cultivation 
   of bacteria or other  organisms or cells 3b2: a fluid or solid in which 
   organix structures are placed  3c: a liquid with which pigment is mixed by 
   a painter  4: a size of paper usu. 23 x 18 inches 
2. medium aj : intermediate in amount, quality, position, or degree