Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. strong                
1. tough \'t*f\ aj [ME, fr. OE to-h; akin to OHG za-hi tough] 1a: strong or 
   firm in texture but flexible and not brittle  1b: not easily chewed  2: 
   GLUTINOUS, STICKY  3: characterized by severity or uncompromising 
   determination {~ an d inflexible foreign policy -New Statesman & Nation} 4: 
   capable of enduring strain, hardship, or severe labor  5: very hard to 
   influence : STUBBORN  6: extremely difficult to cope with  7: stubbornly 
   fought {~ contest}  8: ROWDYISH, RUFFIANLY  9: marked by absence of 
   softness or sentimentality  - tough.ly av
2. tough n : a tough person; esp : ROWDY