Cross references:
1. work
1. la.bor or la.bour \'la--b*r\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L labor] chiefly Brit
1a: expenditure of physical or mental effort esp. when difficult or compuls
ory 1b1: human activity that provides the goods or services in an economy
1b2: the services performed by workers for wages as distinguished from thos
e rendered by entrepreneurs for profits 1c1: the physical activities
involved in parturition 1c2: the period of such labor 2: an act or
process requiring labor : TASK 3: a product of labor 4a: an economic
group comprising those who do manual labor or work for wage s 4b: workers
employed in an establishment or available for employment 4c: the
organizations or officials representing groups of workers usu Labour 5:
the Labour party of the United Kingdom or of another nation of the Briti sh
2. labor or labour \-b(*-)rin\ \-b*r-*r, -br*r\ vb or chiefly
Brit 1: to exert one's powers of body or mind esp. with painful or
strenuous ef fort : WORK 2: to move with great effort 3: to be in the
labor of giving birth 4: to suffer from some disadvantage or distress {~
under a delusio n} of a ship 5: to pitch or roll heavily archaic 1a: to
spend labor on or produce by labor 1b: to strive to effect or achieve 2:
to treat or work out in often laborious detail {~ the obvious> 3: BURDEN,
DISTRESS 4: to cause to labor - n
3. labor aj 1: of or relating to labor cap 2: of, relating to, or
constituting a political party held to represent th e interests of
workingmen or characterized by a membership in which organized labor groups