Webster's English Dictionary

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amuse \*-'myu:z\ vb [MF amuser, fr. OF, fr. a- (fr. L ad-) + muser to muse] 
   archaic  1a: to divert the attention of : BEMUSE  obs  1b: to occupy the 
   attention of : ABSORB  2a: to entertain or occupy in a light, playful, or 
   pleasant manner :  DIVERT 2b: to appeal to the sense of humor of  obs  : 
   MUSE ention so as to keep one interested or engrossed usu. lightly or 
   frivolously; DIVERT implies the distracting of the attention from worry or 
   routine occupation esp. by something causing laughter or gaiety; ENTERTAIN 
   suggests the activity of supplying amusement or diversion by specially 
   prepared or contrived methods - amus.er n SYN syn DIVERT, ENTERTAIN: AMUSE 
   stresses engaging the att