Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fun                   
1. play \'pla-\ n [ME, fr. OE plega; akin to OE plegan to play, MD pleyen] 
   1a: an act of briskly handling or using a weapon or instrument  archaic  
   1b1: GAME, SPORT  1b2: the conduct, course, or action of a game  1b3: a 
   particular act or maneuver in a game  obs  1c1: SEXUAL INTERCOURSE  1c2: 
   DALLIANCE  1d1: recreational activity; esp : the spontaneous activity of 
   child ren 1d2: JEST {said it in ~}  1d3: the act or an instance of playing 
   on words or speech sounds  1e: GAMBLING, GAMING  2a1: an act, way, or 
   manner of proceeding  2a2: DEAL, VENTURE  2b1: OPERATION, ACTIVITY  2b2: 
   brisk, fitful, or light movement  2b3: free or unimpeded motion (as of a 
   part of a machine); also : t he length or measure of such motion 2b4: scope 
   or opportunity for action  3a: the stage representation of an action or 
   story  3b: a dramatic composition : DRAMA  : in condition or position to be 
   legitimately played  - in play 
2. play \'pla--*-b*l\ vi 1a: to engage in sport or recreation : FROLIC  
   1b1: to move aimlessly about : TRIFLE  1b2: to deal or behave frivolously 
   or mockingly : JEST  1b3: to deal in a light, speculative, or sportive 
   manner  1b4: to make use of double meaning or of the similarity of sound of 
   two wo rds for stylistic or humorous effect 2a: to take advantage {~ing 
   upon fears}  2b1: FLUTTER, FRISK  2b2: to move or operate in a lively, 
   irregular, or intermittent manner  2c: to move or function freely within 
   prescribed limits  2d: to discharge, eject, or fire repeatedly or so as to 
   make a stream {h oses ~ing on a fire} 3a1: to perform music {~ on a violin} 
    3a2: to sound in performance {the organ is ~ing}  3b1: to act on a stage 
   or other dramatic medium  3b2: SHOW, RUN {what's ~ing at the theater}  3c: 
   to lend itself to performance  4a: to engage or take part in a game  4b: 
   GAMBLE  4c1: to behave or conduct oneself in a specified way {~ safe}  4c2: 
   to feign a specified state or quality {~ dead}  4c3: to take part in or 
   assent to some activity : COOPERATE {@ along with his scheme} 1a1: to 
   engage in or occupy oneself with {~ baseball}  1a2: to engage in as if in a 
   game  1a3: to deal with, handle, or manage  1a4: EXPLOIT, MANIPULATE  1b: 
   to pretend to engage in {children ~ing house}  1c1: to perform or execute 
   for amusement or to deceive or mock {~  trick} 1c2: WREAK {~ havoc}  2a1: 
   to put on a performance of (a play)  2a2: to act in the character or part 
   of  2a3: to act or perform in {~ed leading theaters}  2b: to perform or act 
   the part of {~ the fool}  3a: to contend against in a game  3b1: to wager 
   in a game : STAKE  3b2: to make wagers on {~ the races}  3b3: to operate on 
   the basis of {~ a hunch}  3c: to put into action in a game  4a: to perform 
   (music) on an instrument {~ a waltz}  4b: to perform music upon {~ the 
   violin}  5a: WIELD, PLY  5b: to discharge, fire, or set off with continuous 
   effect  5c: to cause to move or operate lightly and irregularly or 
   intermittently  5d: to keep (a hooked fish) in action  : COOPERATE  - 
   play.able aj