Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fun                   
1. sport \'spo-(*)rt, 'spo.(*)rt\ vb [ME sporten to divert, disport, short 
   for disporten] [2sport] [2sport] 1: to make usu. ostentatious display of : 
   show off {~ a new hat)> 2: to put forth as a sport or bud variation  1a: to 
   amuse oneself : FROLIC  1b: to engage in a sport  2a: to mock or ridicule 
   something  2b: to speak or act jestingly : TRIFLE  3: to deviate or vary 
   abruptly fron type (as by bud variation) : MUTA TE
2. sport n 1a: a source of diversion : RECREATION  1b: sexual play  1c1: 
   physical activity engaged in for pleasure  1c2: a particular activity (as 
   hunting or an athletic game) so engaged in  2a: PLEASANTRY, JEST  2b: 
   MOCKERY, DERISION  3a: something tossed or driven about in or as if in play 
    3b: LAUGHINGSTOCK  4a: SPORTSMAN  4b: a person living up to the ideals of 
   sportsmanship  4c: a companionable person  5: an individual exhibiting a 
   sudden deviation from type beyond the normal  limits of individual 
   variation usu. as a result of mutation esp. of somatic tissue
3. sport or sports aj : of, relating to, or suitable for sports {~ coats}