Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. business              
1. traf.fic \'traf-ik\ n [MF trafique, fr. OIt traffico, fr. trafficare to 
   traffic] 1a: import and export trade  1b: the business of bartering or 
   buying and selling  2: INTERCOURSE, BUSINESS  archaic  3: GOODS, WARES  4a: 
   the movement (as of vehicles or pedestrians) through an area or along a  
   route 4b: the vehicles or pedestrians moving along a route  4c: the 
   information or signals transmitted over a communications system :  MESSAGES 
   5a: the passengers or cargo carried by a transportation system  5b: the 
   business of transporting passengers or freight 
2. traffic vi or traf.ficked;  or traf.fick.ing : to carry on traffic  - 
   traf.fick.er n