Cross references:
1. meaning
1. im.port \im-'po-(*)rt, -'po.(*)rt, 'im-.\ \-*-b*l\ vb [ME importen, fr.
L importare to bring into, fr. in- + por]tare to carry - more at FARE 1a:
to bear or convey as meaning or portent : SIGNIFY archaic 1b: EXPRESS,
STATE 1c: IMPLY 2: to bring from a foreign or external source; esp : to
bring (as merchandise) into a place or country from another country
archaic 3: to be of importance to : CONCERN : MATTER - aj
2. im.port \'im-.po-(*)rt, -.po.(*)rt\ n 1: PURPORT, SIGNIFICATION 2:
IMPORTANCE, SIGNIFICANCE 3: something that is imported 4: IMPORTATION