1. tu.na \'tu:-n*\ n [Sp, fr. Taino] 1: any of various flat-jointed prickly
pears (genus Opuntia); esp)X : one (O. tuna) common in tropical America 2:
the edible fruit of a tuna
2. tu.na \'t(y)u:-n*\ n or tuna or tunas [Amer Sp, alter. of Sp atu`n,
modif. of Ar tu-n, fr. L thunn] pl us, fr. Gk thynnos 1a: any of numerous
large vigorous scombroid fishes including forms highly esteemed for sport
and food; esp : ALBACORE 1b: any of various related but usu. smaller
fishes; esp : BONITO 2: the flesh of a tuna esp. when canned for use as