Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fruit \'fru:t\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L fructus fruit, use, fr. fructus, pp. 
   of frui)] often attribX to enjoy, have the use of - more at BROOK 1a: a 
   product of plant growth - usu. used in pl.  1b1: the usu. edible 
   reproductive body of a seed plant; esp : one h aving a sweet pulp 
   associated with the seed 1b2: a succulent plant part used chiefly in a 
   dessert or sweet course  1c: a dish, quantity, or diet of fruits  1d: a 
   product of fertilization in a plant with its modified envelopes or ap 
   pendages; specif : the ripened ovary of a seed plant and its contents 2: 
2. fruit vi : to bear fruit to cause to bear fruit