Webster's English Dictionary

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tur.ret \'t*r-*t, 't*-r*t, 'tu.r-*t\ n [ME touret, fr. MF torete, tourete, 
   fr. OF, dim. of tor], tur tower - more at TOWER 1: a little tower; specif : 
   an ornamental structure at an angle of  a larger structure 2a: a pivoted 
   and revolvable holder in a machine tool  2b: a monitor on a fire truck or 
   on the deck of a fireboat  2c: a photographic or television camera device 
   holding several lenses  3a: a tall building usu. moved on wheels and 
   formerly used for carrying sol diers and equipment for breaching or scaling 
   a wall 3b1: a gunner's fixed or movable enclosure in an airplane  3b2: a 
   revolving structure on a warship protecting the breech portion of a  gun 
   3b3: the upper structure of a tank rotatable for swinging the gun mounted w 
   ithin it