Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. high                  
tall \'to.l\ aj [ME, prob. fr. OE getl quick, ready; akin to OHG gizal 
   qui]ck, OE talu tale obs  1: BRAVE, COURAGEOUS  2a: high in stature  2b: of 
   a specified height {five feet ~}  3a: of considerable height : LOFTY  3b: 
   long from bottom to top {a ~ book}  3c: of a higher growing variety or 
   species of plant  4a: large or formidable in amount, extent, or degree {~ 
   order to f ill} 4b: GRANDILOQUENT, HIGH-FLOWN {~ talk}  4c: INCREDIBLE, 
   IMPROBABLE {~ story}  - tall av