1. mon.i.tor \'ma:n-*t-*r\ \.ma:n-*-'to-r-e--*l, -'to.r-\
\'ma:n-*t-*r-.ship\ \'ma:n-*-tr*s\ n [L, one that warns, overseer, fr.
monitus, pp. of mone-re to war] [Monitor, first ship of the type]n - more
at MIND 1a: a student appointed to assist a teacher 1b: a person or thing
that warns or instructs 1c: one that monitors or is used in monitoring;
specif : a receiver used to view the picture being picked up by a
television camera 2: any of various large tropical Old World pleurodont
lizards (genus Var anus and family Varanidae) closely related to the
iguanas 3a: a heavily armored warship formerly used in coastal operations
having a very low freeboard and one or more revolving gun turrets 3b: a
small modern warship with shallow draft for coastal bombardment - aj
2. monitor \'ma:n-*t-*-rin, 'ma:n-*-trin\ vt or 1: to check
(as a radio or television signal or program) by means of a rec eiver for
quality or fidelity to a band or for military, political, or criminal
significance 2: to test for intensity of radiations esp. if due to
radioactivity 3: to watch, observe, or check esp. for a special purpose
4: to keep track of, regulate, or control 5: to check or regulate the
volume or quality of (sound) in recording