Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wall \'wo.l\ \'wo.ld\ \'wo.l-.li-k\ n [ME, fr. OE weall; akin to MHG 
   wall; both fr. a prehistoric WGmc wo]rd borrowed fr. L vallum rampart, fr. 
   vallus stake, palisade; akin to ON vo:lr round stick, L volvere to roll - 
   more at VOLUBLE 1a: a high thick masonry structure forming a long rampart 
   or an enclosure c hiefly for defense - often used in pl. 1b: a masonry 
   fence around a garden, park, or estate  1c: a structure that serves to hold 
   back pressure (as of water or sliding e arth) 2: one of the sides of a room 
   or building connecting floor and ceiling or f oundation and roof 3: the 
   side of a footpath next to buildings  4: an extreme or desperate position 
   or a state of defeat, failure, or ruin  - usu. used in the phrase to the 
   wall 5: a material layer enclosing space {~ of a container heart ~ s} 6: 
   something resembling a wall in appearance; esp : something that  acts as a 
   barrier or defense {~ of reserve tariff ~} - walled aj
2. wall vt 1a: to provide, cover with, or surround with or as if with a 
   wall {~)R in the garden} 1b: to separate by or as if by a wall {~ed off 
   half the hous e} 2a: IMMURE  2b: to close (an opening) with or as if with a 
3. wall vb [ME (Sc) wawlen, prob. fr. ME wawil- (in wawil-eghed walleyed]) 
   : to roll (one's eyes) in a dramatic manner  of the eyes  : to roll in a 
   dramatic manner